Paper 19 - Session title: Earthquakes and tectonics I
12:10 Slow Slip Events in Cascadia: Observation and Hazard Analysis Derived from Sentinel-1 InSAR
Zebker, Howard A; Zheng, Yujie Stanford University, United States of America
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Paper 112 - Session title: Earthquakes and tectonics I
11:30 Present-day Deformation in Lebanon Measured by Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR)
Lasserre, Cécile (1); Pinel-Puysségur, Béatrice (2); Champenois, Johann (2,3); Vergnolle, Mathilde (4); Voisin, Christophe (1); Klinger, Yann (3); Doin, Marie-Pierre (1); Pathier, Erwan (1); Brax, Marlène (5); Dalia, Abdel-Massih (6) 1: ISTerre, CNRS, Université Grenoble-Alpes, France; 2: CEA DAM/DIF, Arpajon CEDEX, France; 3: IPGP, Paris, France; 4: Géoazur, CNRS, Nice, France; 5: Centre de Recherches Géophysiques, CNRS, Beirut, Lebanon; 6: Faculty of Engineering, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon
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Paper 342 - Session title: Earthquakes and tectonics I
11:50 Facilitating Open Global Data Use In Earthquake Source Modelling To Improve Geodetic And Seismological Approaches
Sudhaus, Henriette (1); Heimann, Sebastian (2); Steinberg, Andreas (1); Isken, Marius (1); Vasyura-Bathke, Hannes (3) 1: Kiel University, Germany; 2: German Research Center for Geosciences GFZ, Germany; 3: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology KAUST, Saudi Arabia
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Paper 355 - Session title: Earthquakes and tectonics I
11:10 Surface deformation due to the M6.5 Lefkada earthquake (17 November 2015) and implications for seismic hazard in the central Ionian Sea
Elias, Panagiotis (1); Ganas, Athanassios (2); Briole, Pierre (3); Parcharidis, Isaak (4); Avallone, Antonio (5); Roukounakis, Nikos (6,3); Argyrakis, Panagiotis (2); Roger, Marine (3); Cheloni, Daniele (5); Mendonidis, Evangelos (2); Moraitini, Evelyn (4); Papanikolaou, Marios (2); Papastergios, Asterios (4) 1: National Observatory of Athens, Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing, Athens, Greece; 2: National Observatory of Athens, Institute of Geodynamics, Athens, Greece; 3: CNRS / Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France; 4: Harokopio University of Athens, Athens, Greece; 5: INGV, Rome, Italy; 6: National Observatory of Athens, Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development, Athens, Greece
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Paper 379 - Session title: Earthquakes and tectonics I
12:30 Modelling Complex Faulting Earthquakes With A Joint Seismo-Geodetic Approach
Frietsch, Michael (1); Ferreira, Ana (1); Funning, Gareth (2) 1: University College London, United Kingdom; 2: University of California Riverside, United States of America
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Earthquakes and tectonics I
Back2017-06-06 11:10 - 2017-06-06 12:50
Chairs: Wright, Tim J - Ilieva, Maya